
The Intuitive Woman Blueprint: Discover Your Empowered Living Action Plan

A Personalized Assessment to Discover Where You Are on Your Journey to Living Fully



Discover how to feel confident no matter how your body looks or what size you wear.


Learn how to let go of negative patterns that have been holding you back.


You'll liberate yourself from restrictive diets, food noise, and fear about making the "wrong" choices with food.


Are you ready to trust yourself and live life without waiting for the perfect moment? The Intuitive Woman Blueprint is your personalized guide to uncovering the limiting beliefs that have held you back and revealing the strengths that will help you step into your full potential as an intuitive, empowered, and confident woman.

This assessment is designed to illuminate where you currently stand on your journey to self-trust, unconditional body confidence, and empowered living. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how external pressures have influenced your mindset, body image, and intuition—and more importantly, how to break free from those limitations to live authentically and confidently in every area of your life.


A Transformative Experience

Working with Holly has been a transformative experience.
I shifted from a fear-based, appearance-focused mindset to a holistic and intuitive approach to life. I no longer feel the need to restrict my eating or obsess over food. This newfound freedom has allowed me to fully embrace life and enjoy moments with my family without worry. Holly's program has given me the confidence to present myself authentically and make a positive impact in the lives of others.

Kristina Sims
Massage Therapist, Yoga Instructor, Reiki Practitioner

A Game-Changer

Working with Holly has been a game-changer for me. I've learned how to manage my stress and emotions without relying on food. The mindfulness practices and journaling techniques she taught me have made a huge difference. I feel more resilient and capable of handling whatever comes my way.


I no longer obsess about food.

Intuitive Eating has completely changed my life. I feel so much more in tune with my body and its needs. Holly's guidance helped me break free from the cycle of dieting and find joy in eating again. I no longer obsess over
food and I feel more confident and happy than I ever have before.

Sarah R

Incredibly liberating

Adopting a body-neutral mindset has been incredibly
liberating. I used to be so critical of my appearance, but now I focus on what my body can do and how it feels. Holly's support helped me make this shift, and I feel so much more at peace with myself. I'm grateful for my body's abilities and proud of what it can achieve."

Marketing Executive

What You’ll Discover:

Reconnect with Your Intuition: Trust Your Inner Wisdom

Your intuition is your most powerful guide. This part of the blueprint is designed to help you rediscover and strengthen your connection to your inner voice. Trusting your intuition is the foundation for living authentically.

Uncover Limiting Beliefs: Clear the Path to Self-Trust

This section helps you identify the thought patterns and beliefs that have kept you from fully trusting yourself. You’ll learn how societal pressures and perfectionism have shaped your mindset—and how to replace them with empowering beliefs that support intuitive, confident living.

Build Unconditional Body Confidence: Embrace Your Worth

Move beyond self-doubt and body insecurity. In this section, you’ll explore how to shift from body shame to unconditional body confidence, learning to see your body as a source of strength, wisdom, and vitality—no matter its shape or size. This is the key to living fully, free from comparison and judgment.

Nourish Your Body Feed Your Soul: Live in Harmony with Your Body

This section is all about Intuitive Eating and will help you understand how to nourish yourself by listening to your body’s signals—letting go of restrictive diet rules and embracing a more intuitive, balanced relationship with food.

Your Empowered Living Action Plan

Once you complete the Intuitive Woman Blueprint, you’ll receive a personalized action plan that outlines practical steps to move forward on your journey to self-trust, body confidence, and empowered living. You’ll have a clear path toward embracing who you truly are and showing up confidently in every aspect of your life.

How it works…


Step 1 

Complete the comprehensive assessment to evaluate your relationship with your intuition, mindset, food, and body.

Step 2

Get a personalized video response from Holly with an analysis of your assessment.

Step 3

Implement the recommendations and become an Empowered Woman with unconditional confidence and self-trust.

Why You Need This Right Now:

It’s time to stop waiting for someday. Stop waiting to feel good enough. The Intuitive Woman Blueprint will show you where you are now and help you chart a clear path forward to living fully and confidently in the body you have today.

What You’ll Uncover:

1. Intuition Activation: Align with Your True Self

Have you been waiting to trust yourself fully? The Intuition & Self-Trust Activation will guide you in reconnecting with your inner wisdom. Discover how to listen to your intuition—not just around food, but in all areas of life—and start making decisions that feel aligned with who you really are.

4. Empowered Eating: Trust Your Body Again

Years of dieting can disconnect you from your body’s natural wisdom. In the Eating Freedom section, you’ll learn how to rebuild trust with your body, let go of restrictive rules, and reconnect with your hunger and fullness cues. This is your step toward intuitive eating and food freedom.

2. Mindset Reset: Break the Cycle

Do you feel stuck in a loop of waiting—waiting for the next diet, the next plan, the next perfect moment to start living? The Mindset Reset will show you how these limiting beliefs are holding you back and guide you toward a mindset of empowerment, where you stop waiting for tomorrow and start living for today.

5. Immediate and Practical Application

You’ll receive a personalized video coaching response that offers not just a summary of your results but a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to begin addressing your concerns. This means you can start making positive changes immediately—there’s no downtime between understanding the problem and taking action.

3.  Body Confidence Reboot: Love the Skin You’re In

The Body Confidence Reboot uncovers how societal standards have impacted your body image. It’s time to let go of the idea that your worth is tied to your appearance. In this section, you’ll learn how to shift from body shame to body acceptance and see your body for the incredible, capable vessel it truly is.

6. Reduction in Overwhelm and Anxiety

This assessment is designed to help you understand exactly how a culture of perfectionism and ‘never-good-enough” have influenced your mindset, disconnected you from your body, eroded your confidence—and most importantly, how you can break free. If you’ve been waiting for the right time to step into your power, this is it.

Your Next Step: Stop waiting for “someday” and start living right now!

The Intuitive Woman Blueprint is more than just an assessment—it’s your roadmap to breaking free from the beliefs that have kept you waiting for the perfect moment to live fully. Don’t let life pass you by. This blueprint will give you the clarity, confidence, and self-trust to step into your power right now.


Are you ready to see where you are on your journey to living life without limitations?

Take the assessment today and start losing the ‘wait’ once and for all.

Scan the QR Code to get your Intuitive Woman Blueprint today