

Life is constantly changing so how can it possibly be kept in balance? For me, “balance” has always existed somewhere between chaos and control. It’s adapting to life’s rhythms, connecting the dots between your body, mind, and spirit so that your soul’s purpose can be fully realized. Constant change and self-improvement is the only way to develop the body and the mind. It’s about spiritual growth and transformation. Knowing who you are, what you stand for, and what you are working toward can help you move with the flow of life’s ups and downs.

Begin by taking the time to really get to know yourself- your deepest thoughts, desires, emotions, and fears. Consider writing down your life story. Writing about your individual experiences can help you understand what drives you as well as improve your physical and mental health. Self-awareness allows you to quickly identify habits that hold you back and it gives you the opportunity to replace those habits with new, healthy ones.

To get started, answer these 7 questions.

These first three questions establish the criteria for all future decisions and goals. The goals you set for yourself should be in alignment with your values, if they aren’t you may have difficulty reaching them.

  • What qualities of life do I value the most?
  • What do I stand for?
  • What am I working toward?

The last four provide perspective on how you prioritize yourself in your own life. If you are always last on your “to-do” list, chances are you have been neglecting your needs and could use some loving care and attention to balance out the huge amount of energy you spend attending to the needs of everyone else.

  • Do I respect and care for myself?
  • How often do I show myself love and appreciation?
  • Am I aware of and do I express gratitude for the blessings in my life?
  • Am I able to forgive myself and others?

“Know thyself” is quite possibly the best advice ever given.

This means that creating lasting change can be achieved when you focus on creating balance first in your soul. Suze Orman said it best, “A wise woman recognizes when her life is out of balance and summons the courage to act to correct it, she knows the meaning of true generosity, happiness is the reward for a life lived in harmony, with courage and grace.”
