
Confessions of a Health Coach

In November 2021 I celebrated 14 years as a certified coach.
Like a lot of you, I’ve gone through some pretty big changes over the last two years, and it caused me to do a lot of thinking about my life especially my approach to health and wellness. I’ve come to realize that the cause of my personal struggles with body image and weight have been rooted in a lack of self-esteem and unworthiness. Not because I wasn’t following the right meal plan or exercise program. Now I understand that diet culture has played a huge part in perpetuating the idea that I’m not good enough unless I fit some predetermined standard for an acceptable body shape or size.
After spending some time learning more about the impact diet culture has had on all of us, women in particular, (a special thank you @stephaniedodier), I’ve come to understand that for my own sanity, I can no longer continue to participate in diet culture, not for myself or on behalf of my clients.
In honor of world mental health day, and for my own good, I’m finally breaking up with my diet and over the next few months, I’ll be detoxifying from diet culture.
I hope you’ll join me.
Stay tuned for what comes next.

Hi There!
