
If you have a poor body image is totally normal-it’s not your fault that you don’t love your body. 

Let’s face it, your whole life you’ve been bombarded with messages from diet culture that tell you you’re not good enough if you don’t look a certain way.

Remember, Diet culture tells us that to be healthy, to be happy, and to be successful (and to be desirable) we’ve got to change how we look.

So, how do we break free from diet culture and its influence over us?

We can start addressing our body image by practicing mindfulness and intuitive eating.

We can begin to see our bodies through a lens of compassion and curiosity rather than self-judgment.

We can stop weighing ourselves- seriously stay off the scale at least for at least a little while.

We can resist the urge to compare ourselves to others, we are all beautiful and different, and that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

We can decide to wear clothes that fit us and the body we have right now. 

We can begin to practice self-care by overhauling our social media feeds to delete accounts that make us feel bad about ourselves and search for the ones that promote acceptance of all body types.

It’s time to let go of the fantasy that our life will magically change for the better once we lose weight.

It’s time to take our power back from diet culture. You can start by learning how to accept the body you’re in.

I’m Holly Toscanini, a certified health coach, and recovering chronic dieter.

I coach women who are ready to walk away from diet culture and redefine their relationship with food while establishing a peaceful relationship with their bodies. 

My non-diet approach to health is important because it allows you to stop wasting precious time and energy trying to change yourself to fit some unrealistic ideal of beauty and speaks to your underlying desire to feel valued and worthy just as you are.

If you want to learn more about how working with a coach like me can help, schedule a free discovery call today to see if we are a good fit to work together.

Let’s get your life back from diet culture!
