
How to Get The Most By Doing The Least: It’s the little things that make the biggest difference

“Remember there’s no such thing as a small act of kindness. Every act creates a ripple with no logical end.” – Scott Adams

Do you remember how you felt when you had a tough day and a stranger smiled at you?  Or the time you helped your neighbor carry in her groceries and how she still thanks you for it? I’ll never forget one time I was crossing the bridge after a really long day and when I got to the toll booth, the person in front of me had paid my toll.

Each of these small acts of kindness can make a huge impact on someone’s life. 

Small actions often lead to giant ripples. One small action can completely change the life of someone who then performs a kindness for someone else. And the cycle continues and grows.

No matter how big or small the kindness is, it’s likely to have big significances to your own mental health. According to psychologists and researchers, the smallest acts of kindness can create a rebound effect on not only the receiver’s psyche but your own as well.

For example, a smile increases their level of comfort along with making them happier. It puts you in a better mood as well. That simple smile could be the reason someone is lifted out of despair. 

Tiny acts of kindness can make a change in two ways; they are the catalyst for others to start invoking their own small kindnesses and they have a contagious affect on others. In other words, when we carry out tiny acts of kindness, other people see them, inspiring more kindness. 

Let’s look at another example. If you are friendly to the bus driver, he then in turn will be more likely to be more considerate to the next passenger. That passenger is more likely to go home and have a positive conversation with their family.

People who have a tendency to do small things to spread kindness are more likely to take action in bigger ways as well. 

Here are seven ways small acts can have a big impact.

  1. Be a part of a community clean up. Help clean up a park, neighborhood, or local beach area.
  2. Donate flowers to someone in need in places like hospitals, hospices, or senior care facilities.
  3. Cook a hot meal for a neighbor who’s been down on their luck lately. 
  4. Volunteer at your local homeless shelter or food bank…
  5. Donate books to your local library or to children in need.
  6. Remove single-use plastic from your life. Recycle plastics and other recyclables.
  7. Leave uplifting notes in places where your friends, family, or coworkers can find them.

Whenever I’m in a particularly foul mood doing something nice for someone else always makes me feel better. Whatever you choose to do, each tiny act of kindness can have a big impact on others in ways you may never imagine. Each tiny act is observed and passed along to another making it grow into a big act.
