
Do you try not to eat in front of others? Does it make you feel uncomfortable or self-conscious?

This could be a sign of something deeper going on. It may be a sign you have a ton of judgment around food and what you should or shouldn’t eat. 

You may feel compelled to overdo it every time you eat, looking at food as your source of comfort. 

You may not eat very much in front of others and then, overcompensate for that lack of food once you get home.

It’s not your fault- it’s diet culture!

Diet culture tells you that you must be a certain size to be accepted, valued, and loved. The truth is that the average runway model (diet culture standard of perfection) is 5’11” and weighs about 117 lbs. The average American woman is 5’4” and weighs around 166 lbs. That means for, oh I don’t know, 95% of us that body type is unachievable.

You’ve been set up to fail.

It’s time to learn how to be comfortable in your body and feel safe around food.

I’m Holly Toscanini, a certified health coach, and recovering chronic dieter.

I coach women who are ready to walk away from diet culture and redefine their relationship with food while establishing a peaceful relationship with their bodies. 

My non-diet approach to health is important because it allows you to stop wasting precious time and energy trying to change yourself to fit some unrealistic ideal of beauty and speaks to your underlying desire to feel valued and worthy just as you are.

If you want to learn more about how working with a coach like me can help, click the link (in my bio) below to schedule a call today. Let’s get your life back from diet culture.
