The Art of Being ‘Enough’: Untangling the Paradox of Being a Woman

Are you tired of constantly trying to measure up to society’s ever-changing and often contradictory standards?

Key Takeaways

  • Unpacking Gerwig’s Wisdom: Why society demands that women be extraordinary, yet never ‘good enough.’ 

  • The Health and Beauty Paradox: Why women are expected to be thin but can’t admit they want to lose weight. 

  • Money and Career Conundrums: The unwritten rules around financial success and being a ‘boss’ without stepping on toes. 

  • Motherhood vs. Career Woman or the Choice of Neither: Exploring the silent judgments that accompany each choice. 

  • Answering for Others and The Paradox of Femininity: The unfair expectations around accountability and sisterhood.

  • Ageism, Expectations, and the Emotional Toll: How conflicting ideals exhaust us emotionally and psychologically.

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