

Your body has been shaped by your beliefs about your value and worthiness. Manifesting your authentic self is simply a natural result of realigning with your inherent value and worth. So how do you do that? You have to start by learning to listen to the inner wisdom of your body.

What your relationship with food is only part of the equation. How you eat and who you are as “an eater” is just as important. The beliefs you have about food, the attention you place on the meal itself and the time you take to eat all make a huge impact on your level of satisfaction and nourishment.

Here are 3 simple ways you can begin to reconnect to the inner wisdom of your body.

  • Become more aware of the cues your body is sending you – pay attention to what you observe about your body without judging the information you are receiving. There is no “good” or “bad” here. Start with hunger. Ask yourself ”Am I physically hungry?” If your stomach is growling then you are probably legitimately hungry. Get something healthy to eat. If not, consider that your “hunger” might be a reaction to stress, fatigue, or loneliness. Emotional eating isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Once you understand that you can see where your soul is calling you to explore and heal.
  • Maintain a clear and focused intention on your desired outcome and make small adjustments as you go along.  If your intention is to achieve long-term health then consider rejecting diets and extreme workout routines. Instead, focus on one small change you can make every day and build on your success gradually. If you have been dieting most of your life consider letting go of dieting entirely for at least 90 days. Spend that time tuning in to your natural hunger for food- one that’s not driven by restriction and deprivation but by peaceful acceptance of yourself and your body.
  • Practice being centered and grounded– establish a solid connection to the earth as well as to your Source. Take 2 minutes out of your day to breathe deeply, get out of your head, and become fully present in your body. Appreciate all your body does for you and express gratitude to your body. When you eat, eat! Stop multitasking your mealtime. Slow down and really experience the meal, even if it’s only a 10 minutes lunch break. Chew, taste, enjoy… get every bit of pleasure, nutrition, and satisfaction you and your body deserve out of your food.

When you start to question your habits, you can begin to understand the real reason behind the choices you make. The bottom line is, spiritual hunger can never be solved on a physical level. You see, you (and your body) are an expression of the Divine. Remembering this connection is a key factor in creating an optimal state of health and abundance.
