
From Restriction to Liberation: Transform Your Relationship with Food and Body Image

Fed up with restrictive dieting? ‘Say, “When!”‘ offers a fresh perspective on intuitive eating and escaping diet culture. We cover everything from the basics of intuitive eating to overcoming body image struggles, supported by insights from ‘The Wellness Trap’ by Christy Harrison. Tune in to start your path to body positivity and food freedom.

In today’s episode, we explored the transformative journey away from diet culture towards intuitive eating and body positivity.

Here are the top three key takeaways:

  1. The Power of Personal Transformation: Through the ‘Freedom from Diets Assessment’ and stories from real women who have embarked on this journey, we highlighted how personalized insights and actionable steps can lead to significant life changes—enhancing self-acceptance, reducing food-related anxiety, and increasing overall life satisfaction.
  2. Understanding and Rejecting Diet Culture: We explored what diet culture is and how it negatively impacts our mental and physical health by promoting unrealistic beauty standards and unhealthy eating habits. Recognizing and rejecting these influences is the first step towards healing our relationship with food and our bodies.
  3. Embracing Intuitive Eating: Intuitive eating is a practice that encourages us to listen to our body’s hunger and fullness cues without judgment. We discussed its core principles and how it leads to better health outcomes by fostering a balanced and mindful approach to eating.

Learn tools to break free from restrictive eating patterns and receive inspiration to reclaim your power over food and develop unconditional self-confidence.

The Wellness Trap: Break Free From Diet Culture, Disinformation, and Dubious Diagnosises and Find Your True Well-Being- Christy Harrison


Freedom from Diets Assessment: Evaluate Your Path to Body Peace and Food Freedom

A Comprehensive 3-Part Assessment To Uncover How Diet Culture Has Impacted Your Mindset, Eating, and Body Confidence. 

This tool is designed for self-discovery and growth in intuitive eating, body acceptance, and a non-diet mindset. It will help me understand your personal history and challenges and suggest how you can move closer to living a non-diet lifestyle.

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Unlocking Food Freedom: A Comprehensive Guide to Ditching Diet Culture

In today’s episode, I’m excited to introduce you to the ‘Freedom from Diets Assessment.’ This tool is designed to help you break free from the cycles of restrictive eating and embrace a journey of intuitive eating, body neutrality, and true self-acceptance.

We’ll be discussing how diet culture has infiltrated our lives and dictated our views on health and beauty, the transformative principles of intuitive eating, and how you can start your path to food freedom today. We’ll also debunk some common wellness myths with insights from Christy Harrison’s groundbreaking book, ‘The Wellness Trap,’ and share inspiring stories from women who have reclaimed their relationship with food and their bodies.

So, if you’re tired of feeling controlled by food rules and ready to embrace a healthier, happier lifestyle, this episode is for you. Let’s get started and find out how you can say ‘when’ to diet culture and ‘yes’ to living freely.”

Welcome to ‘Say, ‘When!”—your space to explore true health and wellness beyond the scale. 

I’m Holly Toscanini, ready to guide you through the challenges and rewards of breaking free from diet culture. 

In today’s episode, we’re focusing on a powerful tool: the ‘Freedom from Diets Assessment.’ 

We’ll share insights on achieving body peace and food freedom, debunk pervasive wellness myths, and listen to stories from those who have reclaimed their eating habits. If you’re tired of fad diets or curious about intuitive eating, this is the perfect place for you to start transforming how you relate to food and your body.

The ‘Freedom from Diets Assessment’ is designed to help you understand and undo the influence of diet culture on your eating behaviors, mindset, and how you see your body. 

It’s named to reflect its core promise—freedom. This assessment is your first step toward intuitive eating, a practice that honors your body’s natural hunger and fullness signals without guilt or judgment. By engaging with this tool, you’ll begin the journey away from restrictive diets and move toward a life where food is joyous and your body is respected just as it is.

Understanding Diet Culture

Diet culture is a set of beliefs that values thinness, appearance, and shape above health and well-being. It promotes weight loss as a means of attaining higher status and suggests that controlling your body size can lead to a more successful and happier life. This pervasive influence appears everywhere—from the media we consume to the conversations we have, to the policies enacted in our schools, medical facilities, and workplaces.

The primary issue with diet culture is that it equates thinness with health and moral virtue, which can lead to exclusion, discrimination, and stigma against those who do not fit a certain body type. It creates an environment where people are judged by their eating habits and body size rather than their character or capabilities.

For women, especially, diet culture has deep psychological impacts. Constant exposure to idealized images and narratives can lead to body dissatisfaction, which is often the first step toward disordered eating patterns. Women are bombarded with messages that their worth is tied to how little space they take up, which undermines self-esteem and can trigger anxiety and depression.

Moreover, the stress of trying to fit societal standards of beauty and thinness can lead to chronic dieting, eating disorders, and a preoccupation with food that takes a significant mental toll. It’s not just about physical health; it’s about mental health, too. Women in diet culture often feel they are in a perpetual state of failure—where every bite of food is a potential mistake and every pound gained is a defeat.

This toxic environment can also lead to what’s known as disordered eating—a range of irregular eating behaviors that may or may not warrant a diagnosis of a specific eating disorder. These behaviors include chronic restrictive eating, binge eating, purging, and an obsession with ‘clean’ or ‘healthy’ eating. While not always classified as full-blown eating disorders, these patterns can be harmful and interfere significantly with one’s quality of life.

In our discussion today, we’ll explore how the ‘Freedom from Diets Assessment’ helps address these issues by fostering a healthier relationship with food and body image. It’s about setting the foundation for a life where food is not an enemy, and your body is not a battleground, but a source of strength and joy.”

The Science Behind Intuitive Eating

 Intuitive eating is an evidence-based, mind-body health approach, developed by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch in 1995. It’s a personal process of honoring health by listening and responding to the direct messages of the body to meet your physical and psychological needs. Instead of imposing strict diet rules, intuitive eating promotes a deep connection with your body cues like hunger, fullness, and satisfaction.

  1. Reject the Diet Mentality: This is the very first step towards intuitive eating, which involves throwing out diet books and magazine articles that offer false hope of losing weight quickly, easily, and permanently.
  2. Honor Your Hunger: Keep your body biologically fed with adequate energy and carbohydrates. Learning to acknowledge and respect your biological hunger sets the stage for rebuilding trust with yourself and food.
  3. Make Peace with Food: Give yourself unconditional permission to eat. If you tell yourself that you can’t or shouldn’t have a particular food, it can lead to intense feelings of deprivation that build into uncontrollable cravings and, often, bingeing.
  4. Respect Your Fullness: Listen for the body signals that tell you that you are no longer hungry. Observe the signs that show that you’re comfortably full. Pause in the middle of eating and ask yourself how the food tastes, and what your current hunger level is.
  5. Discover the Satisfaction Factor: When you eat what you really want, in an environment that is inviting and conducive, the pleasure you derive will be a powerful force in helping you feel satisfied and content.

By focusing on these principles, intuitive eating breaks the cycle of chronic dieting and brings you back to the signals your body has been trying to send you all along.

Now, let’s tackle some common wellness myths, heavily influenced by what Christy Harrison outlines in her book, “The Wellness Trap.” Christy Harrison is an anti-diet registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, and journalist who has dedicated her career to challenging the pervasive diet culture that affects so many of us. Her book, ‘The Wellness Trap,’ critically examines how modern health trends can often do more harm than good, pushing us into cycles of restriction and unhealthy behaviors under the guise of wellness. Christy’s insights are particularly relevant to our discussion as they empower us to question the status quo and reclaim our health from profit-driven diet industries. Her work offers a compassionate approach to eating and health that aligns perfectly with our journey towards food freedom and body peace.

This book is a critical resource in understanding how seemingly benign wellness and diet advice can actually be harmful.

  1. Myth: Eating ‘clean’ is the path to health.
    • Truth: The concept of ‘clean eating’ is often vague, and moralistic, and can lead to anxiety around food. Health is not about restricting or labeling foods as ‘good’ or ‘bad.’ It’s about balance, variety, and enjoyment.
  2. Myth: If you’re not thin, you’re not healthy.
    • Truth: Health at Every Size (HAES) is an evidence-based approach that shows you can be healthy independent of your weight. Focusing solely on weight as a health criterion is not only misleading but ignores other crucial health markers like blood pressure, cholesterol, and glucose levels.
  3. Myth: Intense exercise is necessary for a healthy lifestyle.
    • Truth: Movement should be about pleasure and joy, not compulsion and intensity. Integrating moderate and enjoyable forms of physical activity into your day is more sustainable and beneficial in the long run.

By understanding and applying the principles of intuitive eating and questioning the common myths of the wellness industry, we can foster a healthier, more sustainable, and inclusive approach to eating and living.

Understanding the “Freedom from Diets Assessment”

“In today’s episode, we’re diving into the ‘Freedom from Diets Assessment,’ a tool designed to help you break free from the cycles of dieting and embrace a healthier relationship with food and your body. Let’s explore what makes up this assessment and how it can transform your approach to eating and self-image.

1. Diet Mindset Evaluation:

  • This section of the assessment examines your current beliefs about food and diets. It helps identify any restrictive patterns or rules you’ve internalized about eating. By answering these questions, you can uncover the extent to which diet culture influences your daily choices and thoughts about food.

2. Eating Patterns Analysis:

  • Here, we look at your actual eating behaviors. This part includes questions about how, when, and why you eat, helping to pinpoint behaviors like emotional eating, skipping meals, or overeating. Understanding your eating patterns is crucial in moving towards eating that is aligned with your body’s natural cues.

3. Body Image Survey:

  • The third component focuses on how you perceive and feel about your body. It explores your level of satisfaction with your appearance, any discomfort you might experience in relation to your body, and how much your body image affects your self-esteem. This section is vital for identifying negative perceptions and working towards a more positive body image.

After completing the assessment, I analyze your responses to develop personalized feedback that targets your specific needs. This feedback is designed to help you understand the underlying causes of your current eating and body image issues. It also provides a clear path forward by offering:

Actionable Steps:

  • Based on your assessment results, I’ll provide tailored recommendations that guide you toward healthier habits. For example, if the assessment uncovers a significant diet mindset, I might suggest specific exercises to challenge and change these thoughts, such as journaling to reflect on how these beliefs affect your daily life.

Personalized Advice:

  • You will receive advice tailored to your unique situation, such as strategies for responding to hunger and fullness cues more effectively, or activities to improve body acceptance. This advice is not one-size-fits-all; it’s crafted to meet you where you are in your journey to food freedom.

Support and Resources:

  • Alongside the actionable steps, I’ll direct you to specific resources, whether those are articles, books, or further assessments, to help deepen your understanding and support your progress. You’ll also learn about additional support options available, such as one-on-one coaching or group sessions if you feel you need more structured help.

By engaging with the ‘Freedom from Diets Assessment,’ you are taking a significant step towards dismantling the diet mentality, embracing intuitive eating, and developing a nurturing and accepting relationship with your body. Remember, this assessment is a starting point, a tool to help illuminate the path forward but walking that path is a journey we can take together

Success Stories and Testimonials

The ‘Freedom from Diets Assessment’ acts as a crucial doorway for any woman looking to either begin or continue their journey towards intuitive eating, body neutrality, and a non-diet mindset. Let’s hear some inspiring stories from women who have used this assessment as a stepping stone to profound personal changes.

 Embracing Body Neutrality

  • Background: At 54, Linda had spent much of her life caught in a cycle of dieting that left her disconnected from her body’s true needs and desires.
  • Assessment Insights: The assessment helped Linda uncover her ingrained beliefs about diets and her body, revealing patterns she hadn’t fully recognized before.
  • Following Guidance: With targeted advice from the assessment, Linda began practicing body neutrality—appreciating her body for its functionality rather than its appearance. She also embraced mindful eating techniques, focusing on how foods made her feel rather than their caloric content.
  • Transformation: Linda now describes a newfound freedom in her eating habits and a compassionate acceptance of her body as it is. This shift has not only improved her self-esteem but has also deeply enriched her personal relationships and quality of life.

Transitioning to a Non-Diet Lifestyle

  • Background: At 47, Emma was tired of the endless cycle of fad diets and the toll they took on her mental health.
  • Assessment Insights: Through the assessment, Emma gained critical insights into how deeply diet culture was embedded in her lifestyle and mindset.
  • Following Guidance: Guided by the assessment’s personalized steps, Emma started her transition towards intuitive eating. She learned to honor her hunger, respect her fullness, and find joy in foods that had been off-limits for years.
  • Transformation: Emma reports a significant reduction in food-related anxiety and an overall happier outlook on life. She now advocates for a non-diet lifestyle among her peers, sharing her journey and encouraging others to find their path to food freedom.

These stories underscore the ‘Freedom from Diets Assessment’ as more than just an evaluative tool—it’s a transformative gateway that provides the insights and guidance necessary for women to shift from harmful diet cultures to empowering, non-diet lifestyles. By addressing unrecognized eating patterns and body image issues, the assessment opens up new possibilities for healing and growth.

If you see your struggles reflected in Linda’s or Emma’s stories, consider this assessment your invitation to start a new chapter. It’s designed to equip you with the understanding and tools needed to foster a peaceful relationship with food and your body, paving the way for a healthier and more joyful life.

Long-Term Benefits of Breaking Free from Diet Culture

“Let’s talk about the long-term benefits of stepping away from diet culture. When you make the shift towards intuitive eating and a non-diet lifestyle, you’re not just changing how you eat; you’re transforming your entire approach to health and well-being.

1. Improved Mental Health:

  • Diet culture often brings with it stress, guilt, and anxiety around food choices and body size. Breaking free from these constraints can significantly reduce mental health strains, leading to fewer instances of mood swings, depression, and anxiety. It fosters a more positive self-image and stronger self-esteem.

2. Better Physical Health Outcomes:

  • Intuitive eating promotes listening to your body. This means eating when you’re hungry, stopping when you’re full, and seeking out nutrients that feel good to your body. Over time, this can lead to better metabolic fitness, healthier blood sugar levels, and improved digestive health.

3. Increased Life Satisfaction:

  • When you’re not preoccupied with counting calories or feeling guilty about your food choices, you have more energy to invest in relationships, activities, and goals that truly matter to you. This shift can dramatically increase overall life satisfaction and happiness.

Addressing Common Questions and Concerns

Q1: How much time will this change require?

  • The transition from a diet mindset to intuitive eating isn’t about quick fixes; it’s about making sustainable changes. The time it takes can vary widely depending on your personal history with dieting, your current eating habits, and your mindset. However, the initial steps can be integrated into your daily routine without requiring massive time commitments.

Q2: What outcomes can I expect?

  • The outcomes of embracing a non-diet lifestyle include more mindful and enjoyable eating experiences, reduced stress around food, and improved body acceptance. While weight may stabilize naturally, the primary focus is on health and well-being rather than the scale.

Q3: Is this suitable for individuals with a history of eating disorders?

  • If you have a history of eating disorders, it’s crucial to approach any change in your eating habits with care. Intuitive eating can be incredibly healing, but it should be undertaken under the guidance of healthcare professionals who specialize in eating disorders. This approach is about nurturing your body, not adhering to strict rules or restrictive behaviors.

Q4: Will the Food Freedom Assessment help me lose weight?

  • Many people come to intuitive eating with the hope of weight loss because that’s how most diet programs are marketed. However, the primary goal of the Food Freedom Assessment is to help you cultivate a healthier relationship with food and your body, which focuses on eating habits and self-acceptance rather than weight control. While some people may experience weight changes as they learn to listen to their body’s cues, it’s important to note that weight is not the focus of this assessment. The aim is to move away from the weight-centric view of health and towards a model that values mental and physical health, well-being, and overall quality of life. So, while weight loss can sometimes be a byproduct of making peace with food, it is not a guaranteed or primary outcome.

Breaking free from diet culture opens up a world of benefits that contribute to both your physical and mental health. It’s a journey worth taking for anyone who’s tired of the cycle of dieting and ready to embrace a life of true food freedom and body peace. Remember, the path is not always linear, and it’s okay to seek support along the way.


“If you’re ready to break free from the constraints of diet culture and start a new chapter focused on true health and self-acceptance, the ‘Freedom from Diets Assessment’ is your first step. This tool is designed to help you understand your current relationship with food, identify diet mentality patterns, and guide you toward intuitive eating practices that honor your body’s needs. 

“If you’re inspired to start your journey towards food freedom and want to dive deeper into everything we discussed today, I invite you to sign up for the  

Freedom from Diets Assessment: Evaluate Your Path to Body Peace and Food Freedom at https://hollytoscanini.com/freedom-from-diets-assessment/

A Comprehensive 3-Part Assessment To Uncover How Diet Culture Has Impacted Your Mindset, Eating, and Body Confidence. 

Here, you can enroll in the assessment, which is your first step towards breaking free from diet culture and embracing a lifestyle of intuitive eating and body acceptance.

On my website, you’ll also find a bunch of resources that will aid you on your journey. Whether you’re looking for articles to expand your understanding, guides to help you practice intuitive eating, or just some inspiration from others who have walked this path, it’s all there at your fingertips.

You’ll find links to the  Freedom from Diets Assessment: Evaluate Your Path to Body Peace and Food Freedom and  

The Wellness Trap: Break Free From Diet Culture, Disinformation, and Dubious Diagnosises and Find Your True Well-Being- Christy Harrison on my show notes page.

Thank you for joining me today on ‘Say, When!’. We’ve covered a lot of ground, discussing everything from the harmful effects of diet culture to the empowering principles of intuitive eating. Remember, moving away from diet-centered thinking opens up a path to improved mental health, better physical health outcomes, and a richer, more satisfying life. This journey is about more than food; it’s about reclaiming your freedom and finding peace with your body.

I would love to hear from you about your experiences with diet culture and intuitive eating. Do you have questions about today’s topic, or do you have your own story to share? Your insights and questions enrich our conversation and help all of us learn and grow together 

Join me next time on ‘Say, When!’ as we continue to explore meaningful ways to enhance our well-being and live freely. 

Until then, take care and remember: you’re perfect the way you are.
