Showing 6 Result(s)
My Body, My Rules, Body Sovereignty

35. Unshrinking: Overcoming Misogyny and Fatphobia

Today’s podcast with Holly, inspired by Kate Manne, tackles misogyny and fatphobia, emphasizing their impact on women’s self-perception and the need for societal change. Practical advice for overcoming personal biases and embracing self-compassion is offered alongside a call for collective action to foster body positivity and inclusivity. It’s an essential listen for those committed to personal and societal empowerment.

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7. Healing Body Image

Challenging Impossible Ideals of Beauty

Today Holly focuses on the negative impact of cultural influences on our perception of beauty. She also discusses how those influences contribute to creating negative body images.

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3. Are You A Chronic Dieter?

Feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending loop of dieting, only to find yourself right back where you started—or worse? Today, Holly Toscanini dives into the detrimental impacts of chronic dieting, offering a lifeline to anyone caught in its cycle. It’s not just your waistline that’s at risk; your physical, emotional, and even mental health pay a heavy toll. Instead of latching onto every new diet fad, we’ll explore science-backed alternatives like intuitive and mindful eating that focus on listening to your body’s natural signals. So, take a step back from social media and diet culture’s unrealistic expectations, as we journey towards a more balanced, accepting, and ultimately healthier life.